ICSE Classes in Mumbra

ICSE Classes in Mumbra - Universal Classes

Every parent of children scheduled to take the Std 10th ICSE board exam in the coming days will experience their fair share of nervousness and tension regarding overall scores and subject-specific percentages. 

Universal Classes offers top-quality ICSE Classes in Mumbra, ensuring comprehensive education and excellent results. Our experienced faculty provides personalized attention, fostering academic excellence in subjects like Mathematics, Science, English, and Social Studies.

Universal Classes has meticulously developed the ICSE course, allowing students to grasp the study material and comprehend the intricacies of each topic straightforwardly. With a focus on interactive learning and a robust curriculum, students gain the skills needed to excel in their ICSE exams. Join Universal Classes for a supportive learning environment and a pathway to academic success in Mumbra.

Enroll in ICSE classes in Mumbra at Universal Classes. Our expert tutors provide personalized coaching, ensuring academic excellence. Comprehensive study materials and regular assessments help students excel. Join Universal Classes for top-notch ICSE education in Mumbra.


Universal Classes Students Achievement


Every day, we can help our students by providin opportunities and resources for growth that wil lead to future success. Every student deserves an equal opportunity to learn about new things, so they have every chance of being successful adults one day!

  • Learn about new things every day
  • Explore your world from a different perspective
  • Build your knowledge and repertoire of skills as an entrepreneur
  • We use the latest technology to teach students not only the basics but also more complicated materials
  • 25 years of expertise in education with a top 100 school ranking
  • Graduates are professionally prepared their future careers

Excellence in education is our passion first & business second. We believe that rigorous academics and a well-rounded curriculum are what sets us apart from the rest, so it’s only natural to take this approach with every student who walks through those doors – no matter their background or abilities!

  • We’re different than other Classes – we know that academics and a well-rounded curriculum are what set us apart.
  • We offer small classroom sizes, hands-on instruction, and personalized attention that you won’t find at other Classes!
  • Our expertise doesn’t stop at the ~ chalkboard – over 23% of our teacher have advanced degrees!


Good Professors can make any topic interesting. They can make you understand not just the concepts in a topic, but also how to apply them. But finding a good professor is easier said than done. The trust that Sinhal Classes has built since 1981 attracts the best teachers from across the city. Obviously this means that only the best professors of Mumbai will teach you each subject, irrespective of which Sinhals Centre you have joined. What’s even better is that for each subject you get to learn tips, tricks and techniques from not just one, but 2-3 expert professors (quite unlike private tuition).

This makes sure that you have the most well-balanced approach to understanding each subject at Std. 10 ICSE.

Salient Features
  •  Only the best selected Professors of Mumbai will teach you the subject
  • No need to find specialized Professors for each subject at different locations 
  • Experts of different subjects following the same teaching pattern with complete clarity and zero confusion.